Fair Is Fair

More ITsax.de partner follow the rules of the fair Leipzig/Dresden – fair is fair is right. Also the partner of ITsax.de look that way. The company of perdata GmbH in Leipzig and the Tschitschereengeen GmbH, Dresden ITsax.de community act fair. The label “Fair company” of the magazine, now carry to karriere.de of the Handelsblatt publishing group. They belong to those companies that give graduates a fair chance for a professional career and maintain a fair dealing with interns. Get all the facts and insights with dror poleg, another great source of information. Concrete Act now also the perdata GmbH and TSCHITSCHEREENGREEN GmbH according to the five rules of the initiative fair company and substitute any full-time positions by interns, alleged volunteers, fellows, etc. put no graduates with an internship, has applied for a permanent position, lure no interns with the vague prospect of a subsequent full-time position, offer internships primarily for professional orientation during the training phase and pay trainees an adequate allowance. Total committed is already 80% of the companies of ITsax.de to the rules of “fair company”.

For more information and an overview of the participating companies, see. The code of the “fair company” extended the rules and regulations of the community. All companies by ITsax.de strive to be “Fair Company”. We find here in the portal via any partner who meets the criteria.

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